Is it true about the rumours of the iPhone?

I heard that next September 10 Apple gonna unveil their new iPhone. Is that true? And will the iPhone 5 will reduce in price?

The September 10th is true. There will also be 2 iPhones this year the 5C(which will be cheeper) and the 5S(a little bit improved from the 5.

Yes, And the the iPhone 5 should be dropping to around the price the 4S is now.

IPhones suck compared to HTC, Samsung and Sony Androids

No one knows for sure, Apple may postpone the release again. They have already done it and will again if they feel the need.

Not sure about this news.

Yes, the Apple announcement is going to happen then and it's predicted they'll announce the 5S or 6 or whatever they decide to launch next. Once they do so, current models will drop in price, because most people will want the new one.

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