Is it weird that I still have an Iphone 5?

I still have an iphone 5 and I see all these friends of mine with these giant phones now

The government must lift you out of your wretched poverty by taxing everyone else.

Its not weird so much as you won't be able to keep it much longer. Part of the advantage for hardware companies about wireless software is they can force UI updates on the regular and phase out the use of your phone. IPhone 5 has 2-3 years left, tops.

No… I have an iPhone 5s and a Samsung Galaxy. I don't like the giant phones. I can't put them in my pocket.

You must be a social outcast. Throw yourself into the fountain outside Starbux immediately!


The only weird thing is that I used to have a large phone and everybody was like, "Dude! That sucks! Get with the times. You need a small phone that's light and can be stored anywhere and can do everything even though it's small. Honestly, are you compensating for something?"

And so I got a small phone and now everybody's like, "Wow! How can you even read that screen? My phone is big and it's actually useful so I can do stuff with it. Why would you get a phone so small? Do you ever accidentally leave it in your pants when you do your laundry?"

And so I reckon you can never win.
So just keep your phone until you need a new one, supposing you ever do, and don't worry about whatever's trending. Trends come and go.

No and get off of this category. Are you blind? This has nothing to do with politics

You got off the electronics treadmill designed by corporations to take all the money out of your pocket through rapid planned obsolescence and peer pressure to keep up with Jones or forever be an out cast. How dare you cut them off from your money