Is real iphone giveaways on instagram a scam?

Is real iphone giveaways on instagram a scam?

No! Don't stop emailing and giving shutouts. I got one doing it and everyone was like you lucky dog!

It's a scam that has been going around for the past 3 days. Delete it - it's not real. There are NO free iPhones. Why in the hell would thousands of people have camped out in front of an Apple store and paid 500 for a new phone if there were really a way to get them free? Apple DOES NOT give away free products for any reason - these are all scams to either steal your identity or sign you up for premium rate services or text messaging and you'll never hear about that phone again
These scams go around every time a new iPhone or iPad model are released because people are gullible enough to keep falling for them

No, it's not. You may not stop sending emails and giving shout outs. I got one doing it and everyone was like you lucky dog!

Does anyone find it odd that two people responded to this in almost identical wording and ended with you lucky dog? I find that suspicious, and it obviously is a scam, and they have people or bots making posts saying it is legit.

No one says you lucky dog