Is the unlocked iphone 5 in stores?

I know that they have the unlocked iPhone 5 online and that you could ship it to the stores but does the actual store have them where you could go inside and buy it.

Yes they do. At Cell Phone Booths in malls.

Yes, go to a local Apple store.

You can also check with a local Best Buy, Target, Radio Shack, and several other vendors.

Yes, they actually do go to the mall and ask one of the booth iPhone 5's men.

I'm pretty sure Apple Store does. They have it on the website too. Never trust eBay or Amazon. I would also try just a regular cell phone store like Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint because they offer plan ones but they also do unlocked for those who don't want a specific plan on it. You don't have to activate it at the time either.

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