Is there anyway i can recover my old photos from my old iPhone (5) from the computer?

Is there anyway i can recover my old photos from my old iPhone (5) from the computer?

Added (1). I'm trying to recover some photos. I don't have my iPhone 5 anymore, so i would like to know if i can retrieve any old photos from it. Do i have to use software or anything like that?

If your photos are accessible, as opposed to being deleted or corrupt, then all you need to do is connect your iPhone to your computer. The computer will recognize the iPhone, automatically install the necessary drivers and you're done. I'm not sure exactly where the photos are stored on an iPhone, but doing a global search *.jpeg will find all photos (that's the asterisk) that have the.jpeg extension. To do a search within any drive or device, first click on the specific device or drive, and press Ctrl + F to bring up the search box.

Once your computer has finished searching, you'll have a complete list of every jpeg on your phone. Now you can copy all of them and paste them onto your computer.