Is there anyway to get internet where's there's no Wi-Fi connection?

I since just had a iphone 5s and i'm getting Wi-Fi for new year's eve but is there anyway to get a Wi-Fi connection without the box?

Well if you want Wi-Fi because you want to use the internet on your phone you're going to need the wireless router for that. But you know you can use the 3G or LTE on your phone and use the internet that way.

Or if you want to use internet on a computer or other device you can turn Personal Hotspot on from your phone and your phone can send out a signal that can connect you to your carriers network giving you acess to the internet on other devices.

But be carefull with both of these things above. They can end up costing you on your phone bill if you arent carefull.

Yes you can go down to Starbucks where they have free Wi-Fi, or get someone else to set up their phone of laptop as a Wi-Fi hotspot. Otherwise use your 3G allowance on your contract to get internet