Microwaved iPhone - Any chance of repair?

OK, so I was totally drunk and in no fit state of mind… And had lost my iphone charger, and needed to charge my iphone.

I looked online to see if there was anyway I could charge it, using some other kind of cable etc. (I've had success with this in the past with other older kind of phones so thought there may be something.

But anyway, I saw a few suggestions of putting it in a microwave for a few seconds, and for some stupid reason I actually tried it.

I managed to open the microwave door after just a few seconds, but it was crackling and sparking, and some of the plastic bits around the side of the screen have melted and changed shape.

it doesn't turn on, and is extremely annoying. It has all sorts of important info on it, as well as pictures of the holiday I just came back from yesterday, and all the usual numbers, notes etc etc. I'm also absolutely skint at the moment and definitely can't afford a new one.

Is there any possible way it might be repairable? May it just require a new battery, or something?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

Sadly no you have to get another phone i tried to do the same except i looked on YouTube first and it didn't work i dodged a bullet.

It's dead and it'll remain dead. No chance of nothing. Theoretically, if the memory card is undamaged, you could save that, but I think Iphones don't use them so bummer. Otherwise, you'd need to take it apart, take the memorychips, solder themto a different motherboard and use them like that. Unless you're an electrician that can do that, or pay huge amounts of money for it - you've lost it all…

I don't know where the hell you found that suggestion at but it's by far the worst idea I've ever heard.

Even just seconds of being in a microwave will fry everything electronic. People use this trick to entirely wipe Data so the Government can't even recover it, so I'm going to have to say if they can't; nobody can.

The phone itself would need everything internal to be replaced, it'll be more expensive to repair it than to buy a new one. Perhaps just go back to the store you bought it and play dumb and say "I was in a call and the phone started to get really hot and making really loud noises". They could just pin it as some sort of major technical issue that overloaded the phone and give you a new one. Lol

The phone and everything on it is gone. Congrats.

Try bringing it to an Apple store and tell them your story. Maybe they can recover something or have the best laugh ever to be heard from anyone.

Don't leave anything out. Not even this answer. Just… Please record and upload on Youtube.