My charger magically disappeared

Right, so this may be stupid but I know I'm not imagining it…
Basically I went to sleep with my phone charging next to me on my nightstand. I go to sleep and when I wake up I see my phone isn't plugged in and is on my pillow? I go back to sleep cos I was pretty tired and when I wake up again I look for my charger and its not there and the plug is turned off! Now I know it's not my mum because she has an iPhone and I have a Blackberry…

Added (1). I have looked everywhere I was just wondering if anyone had the same problem or something?

Added (2). Para I didn't drink at all last night unless you call the drink I drank water:/

Added (3). I found it, my mums friend took it while I slept and didn't tell him and they took it and just put it through our letterbox…

Um do a search? I don't know your house or where you were last

Your bed ate your charger

That's freaky

You've been drinking too much last night. Things don't just disappear in real world. Also, I wonder how this question is related to computers in any way.

Buy a new one.

The only explanations I can think of is that someone went into your room and unplugged the phone, for a joke maybe
Alternatively some people sleepwalk and can do various movements, while being asleep

Does your charger have a VISA?

If So Please Check In Those Countries.

If No PURCHASE A NEW MOBILE requesting your mom… Which is your plan to buy a new mobile