My iPhone won't send iMessages to iPhone users?

I've been having this problem frequently, like everyday now, and my phone simply will not send an iMessage to any iPhone users! I've tried really hard, resetting it, deleting the network settings, and everything. And yes, iMessages is turned on. Like 500 times, I've had to turn it back on. It just sends out as a regular text message! I text a friend in Norway regularly and I know it has to cost for regular text!

Does anyone else have any other ideas?

Added (1). I'm the only iPhone user in my house. My mom and my sister both have regular phones. And even if they did have an iPhone I'm on my own iTunes account.

Added (2). And whether they have an iPhone or not, it's supposed to go out as an iMessage unless they have the SMS option turned on, where the message goes out as an text if iMessage isn't available. I said that its been happening everyday to me, and even if I turn iMessages on, it turns itself back off.

Make sure the other people who have iPhones are also iMessage users, if they are not, or if you are not, it will send as a regular text message. Also make sure that you have the iMessage feature turned on in settings, so that it will send iMessage to other iPhones (with iMessage on theirs of course).

I second that

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