My iPhone won't turn on after receiving the text hack message?

My friend sent me that text hack that's suppose to crash your phone yesterday morning and it never came back on. Once she sent it, it shut off to a black screen then to the apple appeared but then it started fading away, and it kept repeating that for about 30 minutes until it asked my to connect to my iTunes. I did that and said I needed to restart (basically I have to delete all my stuff on it) my iPhone before connecting to iTunes. So I clicked restart but now it's telling me it can't do it. It popped up with a message saying error 9? Is there anyway to fix this?

Before you do anything else, take a baseball bat and go visit your friend. Explain to her (using the bat) what bad manners it is to f*ck over people's expensive possessions over. Then give her a formal notice that she is no longer a friend. Hit her once more on the way out, just to make sure it's been done properly.

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