My kitty kept me awake the whole night

So a few days ago I adopted a Russian Blue kitty, 3 months old, the first couple days he was shy and was hiding. But yesterday we have finally bonded, and he stopped hiding. I live in a studio, so I can't keep him in another room during the night. He was crazy during the night, my books fell of the shelve, he dropped my iphone 6 and cracked it, my all make up is on the floor and so on. Also, I only slept 3 hrs and I have a midterm exam today. I don't know what to do, any suggestions? I wanna keep this cat, but I'm even thinking about giving him up… I need to sleep.

He's a kitten, what do you expect? We put ours in the bathroom for the first two months we got her (it was her "safe" room with her litter box, bed, and food. She's 5 months old now and we let her out at night. She rarely causes problems because when she starts attacking our feet under the covers we give her a quick water squirt. You need to make sure your home is kitten proof. If he's knocking things over, then they need to be secured or put away. Just until he's old enough to not hurt himself. He is hyper during the night for the same reason babies cry overnight and toddlers wake up their parents because of "monsters". He's a baby.

Either get another kitten to play with him or play with him and tire him out before bed time, but that probably won't work. We had to keep our kitten in one safe secure room with her litter box and food and toys during the night because she'd run around and attack everything. Get him toys to keep him entertained, and about the make up and stuff, even older cats do that, just keep it in a drawer or find somewhere to put it in, it might be harmful if your kitty knocks it over and breaks it then tries to eat it. Also when he meows during the night, do NOT get up and play with him and stuff or he'll just keep doing it. The older he gets the calmer, he's now a baby and wants to play constantly, enjoy it while it lasts because the second he grows up all he's going to want to do is sleep, eats and groom himself.

Hi there: Nothing wrong with you're kitty. My cat is 12 years old and she will run at times half the night. Jump on my bed then grab my foot. It's just a cat thing.

First, if you can't handle one kitten, please don't get another. This is what kitten's do. They play, If you didn't want that, you should have gotten a cat. I suggest either putting the kitten in a bathroom at night OR buying him a large crate and putting him in that at night OR returning the kitten and NOT getting any more pets.

Right, you're only after getting the kitten and you're already thinking of giving it away? Sigh…
Anyway, I suggest you get another kitten to keep it company so it won't bother you during the night and it will have someone to play with.

I suggest playing with him before you feed him and when he gets sleepy feed him and put him to sleep thats what i do