Nintendo DS Emulator for IPhone?

So recently I got GBA4iOS And my iPhone is not jailbroken But it is on 6.1.3 i was wondering if there's a Nintendo DS emulater for the iPhone but does it require you to have your phone jailbroken


Firstly, you can't get emulators w/o jailbreaking your device.jailbreaking is the process of being able to install unsigned apps, and emulators will NEVER be signed by apple.

The only way to get them w/o jailbreaking, is to get apps which have "hidden emulators" in them. Well those cost money, and within a month or so, they are removed, and if you sync your device, you will lose it and you will NOT get your money back.
So essentially they actually fit the definition of a scam…

Second, apple devices will probably never have the specs to emulate DS, since even high end android tablets can barely do it, since you need a 2.0ghz+ cpu. (iphone5 only has a 1.2ghz cpu, the iphone 6 will probably have the same, or if you are lucky a 1.5ghz which still wouldnt be enough)

You are an idiot. GBA4ios does NOT require jailbreaking

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