NO ONE and I do mean NO ONE has the name of this song?

So my only hope in recovering this songs name is that someone has heard it before and knows the name. I've tried everything.
YouTube comments
recording the sound on my iPhone / Shazam app
using some website called moo that listens to a video and identified the music
even went to the websites list of music played during the entire show.

Me and lots of other people have been trying to find this song. Well not a lot just like me and 6 others.

The song starts at 17:26 and ends at around 19:20

Here s the link:

The League of Legends music album below features a couple of tracks that sound very similar if not completely identical. I can't really tell. But check out a title called "Proyect VI" at 12:44. If that's the same music, then it's possible someone was interpreting it for the event, possibly even playing it live.