Playing mobile + 1 1/2 months old baby?

My son is using my and my husband cell phone everyday. Sometimes it is putting it inside his mouth. Playing with iphone, remote controller (everything with is not his toys).Is it safe to give him cell phone while it is on?
He has been playing with cell phone since he was 4-5 months.
Do you allow your kids play with your cell phone, iphones, remote controller, wireless mouse,…

Added (1). He chew the battery of the remote controller as well. I heard that radiation of the cell phone is harmful for baby. If he put inside of his mouth, does it mean that he is in higher risk?
Why we need to take the battery out? He likes to turn the TV on, if I take the battery out, he doesn't like it.

My son used to that too, but he killed my old cell phone because he kept putting it in his mouth i actually gave him an old remotre without batteries for him to have…

Yes but don't let him put it in his mouth and keep him beside u

Don't take the battery out of the remote or you won't be able to turn the tv on or off. If your baby swallows the battery, it will kill him. But you have to be able to change the channel or answer your cell phone. New cell phones are expensive, but you can make a new baby for free.