How much iphone 4s is slow on ios 7 than ios 6? - 1

Please tell how much iphone 4s is slow on ios 7 than ios 6?

The 4 is a legacy device. Too old and out of its prime. The 4 can't run IOS 7 as well due to its older hardware. And due to sheer age it may run slower. A couple seconds I guess would cause some people inconvenience.

Frankly I think Apple should not of made the 4 take IOS. Leave it in the dust like the 3GS. The 4 is a legacy device.

Never, go with a phone which is nearly dead. The moment you buy iPhone4s it will be dead by 2014 july august. It is the time when apple unveil it's latest iDevice. Go with iPhone 5C.
If you already have an iPhone 4s you can't resist yourself from installing iOS 7.It work decisively well it lags at sometime like with the latest WhatsApp. That only works perfectly on 5S and 5C.