How much iphone 4s is slow on ios 7 than ios 6?

Please tell how much iphone 4s is slow on ios 7 than ios 6?

Apple's iOS 7 adoption rates may have been slower
than previously thought, according to a new report
from mobile advertising firm Millennial Media,
which suggests that iOS 6 adoption happened more
rapidly than iOS 7 adoption.
According to the report, iOS 7 impressions on
Millennial Media's advertising platform climbed an
average of 185 percent each day during the seven
days following the September 18 launch of iOS 7.
One week after launch, 16 percent of total iOS
traffic came from devices running iOS 7.

My 4S doesn't really feel any slower on iOS 7.

I'm using iOS 7 on my iPhone 4 and its really slow then iOS 6x. Previously subway surfers game was running on my iOS 6.1.3 very good, even many apps were running in background. But in iOS 7.0.4, no app is running in background and subway surfers is running just like a snale.