Should i buy iPhone 6 plus after new iPhone reveal or release?

Should i buy iPhone 6 plus after new iPhone reveal or release? - 1

Just wait and get the iPhone 6S because Apple will be announcing and releasing that very soon.

Price will be $100 lesser.

What I love about the iPhone 6 plus most is that it is a groundbreaker in terms of 3 things. The first change, was its retina display (326 ppi) (ppi meaning pixels per inch) all iPhones have been carrying since 2010. The 6 plus is the first iPhone in 4 years to've improved on that number with a pixel density higher than 400 ppi.

Now the 2nd groundbreaking thing of the 6 plus is its whopping 3K mAh battery. If you look at all the other iPhones, their batteries ranged from a mere 1K to about 1.5K of mAh power, either being poor or just on par with battery life. However, the 6 plus is the biggest leap we've ever seen in terms of battery life.

Now lastly, iPhones have always had great cameras generally; but the camera shake always annoyed me. Up until the release of the 6 plus which is the 1st and only ever iPhone to have OIS (optical image stabilisation).

For all these groundbreaking changes we finally wanted to see in an iPhone, I'd say the 6 Plus is still worth going for.

The price of the 6 Plus would go down once the newer one is released, so if that new one is not appealing enough then you could get that for a reduced price. Keep in mind though that the 6s Plus would sell for the same price as the 6 Plus does now.