Tried to jailbreak ios 6 on iphone 4?

The phone turned off at one point and now I can't turn it back on. Tried different outlets, plugged it into the computer and nothing happened, it doesn't show up on iTunes either. My lock button on top is also broken so I can't even restart it that way!

Added (1). I was able to jail break it, and use Coda to add Cydia. Cydia wasn't opening properly on the phone, so I tried to restore the phone. The phone restored but shut off and stayed off. I think I pretty much screwed the whole thing up: x

Added (2). Thank you for your answers. I realize the tethered jailbreak does not have Cydia, I used a different program for that. Regardless, that's far from the issue. I'm just going to assume I won't get it back on and sell it on e-bay for parts/as is I guess.

The ios 6 jailbreak is tethered and doesn't have cydia, there's no reason to get it.
you will need working buttons in order to fix.

The tethered jailbreak for ios 6 does not have cydia.