UnAuthorized charges to my bank account?

Someone got my bank info and charged $1500 from my bank account for my insurance policy. They went through the geico express pay and entered all my info. They used there cell phone to do it. Can I do anything legal about this? Can they track the phone? Or can the cops? Can they find out who is registrered to the iPhone? This had gone way too far!

You tell your bank and they will contact the police and so forth if necessary after their investigation.

Report it to the bank immediately. They're the ones who deal with law enforcement. They're the ones who'd have the secured, detailed information, and ability to trace what occurred. You likely will not find out further information about the investigation. But if you want to get back any money, you need to report immediately. Trying to track the phone and all that is not your problem.

Call your bank. What are you doing posting here?

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