What are good programs that will save everything on Iphone?

Hey so my old computer died, so with this new itunes I may lose things. Do you know of any good free programs that saves everything on the Iphone?

Added (1). I'm aware of that, but I can't access things on my old laptop because it has a blue screen… I asked for a program I can download…

Easeus makes an iphone recovery tool that rocks! Plus it's free!
Just Google for Easus iPhone Recovery and you'll find it.
For the music on your phone you'll want to grab SharePod, it'll let you drag and drop music from your phone to your PC. It works the other way around too, so it's super cool when you're at a friends and you want to jack some of their music without screwing your whole phone up.
There are also some pretty cool backup programs, if you're phone is jailbroken then you'll have access to the best ones but ther are some in the Apple store that are pretty good to. Just READ reivews before buying one.

This app is very good -Xilisoft iPhone Magic- and you can get it from here

You will need what is commonly referred to in the technical world as a hard-drive. You probably don't know what that is, so move your mouse cursor to the little button with a 'plus' sign on it located right next to the tab you're viewing this in right now, and click it. Now, type "h-a-r-d(put a space here)d-r-i-v-e" into the long search box with your 'keyboard' (the device you're typing with), and press "enter". That last part is tough, but once you get the hang of it, it's not too difficult. See the 'L' on your keyboard? Two keys to the right of that, you'll find the 'enter' button. Got it? Great job! Press the 'enter' button by placing your finger (any of them will work) on top of the button, and press down. Awesome! Your browser is now processing the information you gave it and connecting to a viable page of sources, sent to your screen by hundreds of different 'servers'. These are other computers that send data to your computer to view and analyze. Your PC (stands for 'Personal Computer') will process the data (a mix of HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP, which are different programming languages used in writing web-pages) to make it look like regular text and links on your screen. Links are the blue strings of words that you see, and you are able to click any of these. Once you click one of them, it will send you to a 'web-page' where you can look at pictures and read all about anything from your favorite apple pie recipe from Grandma to information about hard-drives. Okay, so now that you know what a hard-drive is, go to your local computer store and buy one. Then return here, and keep following the instructions. Find the port on the outside of your computer that looks kind of like a square, and insert the hard-drive into that. You're doing awesome so far! Now import the files from your iTunes account onto that, and you're done (Better find out how to do that by reading the iTunes 'Help' guide). Whew! Wasn't too hard, was it? Now all of your files will be kept safe and stored inside the hard-drive. Hope I was able to help you!

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