What can I buy/do with 400 dollars?

My mom and dad got their income taxes back, and they always give me 400 dollars; but I don't know what to do with it. I'm also thirteen about to turn fourteen I was thinking about getting a IPhone 5s, but my upgrade is coming up so, I'm not going to get a new phone. So, I don't know what to get if you have any ideas that would help.

No offense, but I think you're spoiled. 400 dollars? Jealous!

An American Girl Doll, a giant plush stuffed animal, a laptop. An ipad, an ipod, a Kindle, other kinds of electronics, a cool hammock, a pet, or you could save it. Think about how much money you could accumulate if every time your parents gave you that 400 dollars you saved it? You would get thousands probably! And then you could save it for college or something, or use it for something big that you want, or spend it on a charity. You wouldn't have to spend all of it on a charity, even $50 can make a difference. Several coats for several homeless men. Part of the money for a non-contaminated well somewhere in Asia. Which would probably mean less people dead from water-contamination. Do you really need that laptop or stuffie when people are dying?

Just think about it.

Save it and any other money for the next 2 years so you can get a car a whole lot better then a phone! When you turn 15 depending you city state laws at what age you can get a permit or license you could drive and be free if your parents said they will get a car since you have a share of money to put to it you have a greater chance to get a car of your choice!