What colour iphone 5 c green or white?

I'm asking Santa for a new phone for chrissy. Which color iPhone 5c should i get green or white. And is the 5c a good phone

Ya good phone similar to iphone 5 no major changes just try green one as its new color added to iphone checkout how it looks or just check youtube for more info

I have an iPhone 5 and my two older children (teens) each just got an iPhone 5c. The 5c is identical to the 5 except for the casing… The casing on the 5c is plastic. It is also a very slightly different shape- enough that it can't use the same cases as the 5 (the 5s can use the same cases as the 5, though).

If you are going to get a 5c, I would go with the green. That is one of the colors my children got. But I recommend a case, and if you are going to put a case over it then color really does not matter.

No iPhone is a good phone. The Samsung Galaxy NOTE 3 is way… Better than any iPhone available. Do not get an iPhone. If you are still sold on an iPhone 5C though, pick your favorite color. It makes absolutely no difference.