What do the symbols on the top of the iPhone mean?

What do the symbols on the top of the iPhone mean? - 1

Wi-Fi or lte, battery

Wow. What planet did you just arrive from? The symbols are pretty self-explanatory, as they were designed to be.

Your Wi-Fi signal strength, your carrier, your cellular network (3G, 4G etc) the time, do not disturb (moon) rotation lock (lock with an arrow around it) location enabled (water drop like shape) Bluetooth (bluetooth symbol) and the battery level

From left to right

-signal dots - signal strength of the carrier network you are on now
-carrier name
-internet strength - either from cellular data (G, E, 3G, 4G/LTE) or Wi-Fi waves (3 being the best)
-location services - if enabled a little arrow icon
-bluetooth - if enabled
-battery percentage - if enabled
-battery icon
-charge symbol - if charging

There are others that would show, again if enabled by you

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