What does changing the language on an IPhone do to the phone?
What does changing the language on an IPhone do to the phone? - 1
It tells the phone to modify the user interface to show information in the chosen language, including switching into right-to-left mode if the language reads that way. Software that cares what language you're using can also change its behavior to match.
Try Bahasa
You won't be able to understand your settings anymore, but I don't know about the internet
Changes the language.
You won't be able to understand your settings anymore, but I don't know about the internet
Try bahasa
Changes the language…
If the language is written from right to left then is appears a bit odd, since we're used to english which is written from left to right. Other than that nothing much.
You will definitely not be able to understand your settings anymore, but i don't know about the internet
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