What good apps are there for iPhone?

What good apps are there for iPhone?


Glow Doodle Fall
Jelly Car
Papi Jump
Doodle Jump($.99)
Glow Doodle Snake
Tap Tap Revenge 3
Valet Control
Paper Toss
Touch Hockey
Tic Tac Toe Free
Waterslide Extreme
Doodle Bowling
Finger Physics Free
Puzzling Penguins
Papi Catch
Papi Missile
Papi Pole
Papi River
Charadium Free
Diner Dash($2.99) <-- Its fun but it costs a bit, depends if you like it
Glow Doodle Smash

What apps are you talking about?
Games, sports, entertainment, business, fi… And there's much more. What kind of good apps do you want?

Plants vs zombies 2… Its currently only on the App Store.