What is a good introduction for the difference between smartphones and iphones?

My topic sentence is
IPhones and smartphones individually makes a fantastic cell phone, but the appropriate choice depends on the customer's lifestyles, finances, and technological accommodations.

I just don't have no introduction to begin with or end with can you assist me?

An iphone IS a smartphone.

iPhone eye-fohn) is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc.

Apple products are not an entirely different product separate from similar products.
They are simply a brand manufactured by a specific company.

If you're going to do this type of essay, you're better off outlining the different benefits and cons of the different smartphone operating systems and who they're best for. I.E. Apple vs Android vs Windows (lol windows)

edit: oh right
a nice way to introduce your topic is simply to talk about technology and how it's been rapidly expanding in the last decade. Smartphones are more or less like tiny *ss computers now… IN YOUR POCKET.