What is a really good, intense thriller movie?

I will be going on a fairly long flight soon and want to put some movies onto my iphone. I really want a good thriller movie that will keep me interested that I haven't seen before. I don't particularly like any paranormal movies or anything like that. I liked 'the call' with halle berry and would like something along the lines of that, that would be very intense and have you on the edge of your seat throughout with a good storyline. Would anyone have any good movies to suggest along the lines of that? Something relatively new, as in, the last maybe 5 years or so?

Martha marcy may marlene
we need to talk about kevin
now you see me (a lighter more action based thriller if you want something a bit less heavy than the other suggestions)

Disturbia, You're Next, Eagle Eye, Run Lola Run, Gone "like the Call", Non-stop, Phone Booth, Man on a Ledge

-Man on a Ledge
-The Expatriate

I love Thrillers!

Check out a movie called Happiness. You'll love it.

I suggest World War Z. It's a really good movie.

You can see romantic comedy movie. Because it's have emotion and fun that help you laughing.

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