What percent of Australians use an iphone?

What percent of Australians use an iphone? - 1

Added (1). please include a source. I have conflicting sources

Not me

You're getting conflicting sources because there's no definitive answer in the Public Domain.

If you're asking about the percentage of Australians worldwide then there won't be any figures; phone companies do not collect and publish data on the nationalities of their customers.

If you're asking about Australians solely in Australia then you have the same problem as there are plenty of non-Australians resident in Australia.

If you're asking about which percentage of Australian residents have iPhones then you're starting to ask a question which makes sense, but even then, Australian telephone companies do not all publish data on which phone models their customers use. You may be able to get total sales figures (including those supplied on monthly fixed term contracts), but they don't take into account those single customers who might buy in thousands of iPhones for corporate usage nor do they account for those who get a single iPhone but then never use it because they sell the phone and use their old handset on the new contract.

Collating and publishing statistics such as you're asking for costs a lot of time and money. Some statistics never get collated because there's no financial return for doing so, whilst others such as the question you're probably asking are very commercially valuable so are only available to industry subscribers who pay a lot for business information reports to companies such as Dun & Bradstreet.

So if you want as accurate a figure as you can get with sources you're going to have to pay a small fortune to a professional business analysis provider. Otherwise you're just going to have to evaluate and weight the existing sources you have to best match the exact question you want answered.

I have an iphone.

Not me but if you want a good phone its hard not to have to buy one

Not me but I have a Samsung smartphone. I doubt there are any set statistics on such an unimportant detail.


Not me