What's the best thing to do when you start high school?

I'm going to high school soon, kinda nervous, worried, anxious about bullying etc. The one I'm worried about most is bullying. When my friends older brother started high school, he brought his phone, and some older kids started kinda teasing him. In the end, they threw is phone, this was when the iPhone 4 was new, and he had one. It broke and the bullies had to pay for it (over $200). Other than that, I'm quite excited! But what should I do? When I say what should I do, I mean like at lunch, recess, should I bring a laptop or phone? Or technology of any kind in first yr? So many questions can you answer as many as you can guys?

You can bring a phone or tablet, something like that, to have in case you find yourself in an awkward silence or hanging out by yourself somewhere. Just keep it out of sight until you want to use it and don't flash it around otherwise.

But don't rely too much on that. Try to talk to people whenever you can, and just enjoy the experience. You'll never have it again and whether it's a good or bad experience, you'll always remember it.

Take pictures too! Not just selfies… Take some of your school too.

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