What's wrong with iPhone 5's camera?

I'm getting my iPhone 5 on Thursday and when we went to the store to look at the phone's price, the saleslady said that the usual problem of the iPhone 5 is the camera. Why is that? And now, I'm scared buy an iPhone 5 lol I don't want the money to be put in waste

Sometimes sales reps don't know what they are talking about. This is one of those cases. There's nothing wrong with the iPhone 5's camera. I've seen enough reviews to know this & I own one as well.

The only bad thing i have seen about the iPhone 5's camera is the "purple haze" effect.
check it out below

but i'm sure that is a software thing and not hardware… Could be wrong, so it might have been fixed. Check it out. Other than that, i have seen no complaints.