What's your opinion on iphone 5c?

Is it good and worth buying?

Its very nice phone.

The 5s is better

It's a good phone, but you'll be better off getting the nexus 5. Or if you have the money and Really need an iPhone, then 5s is the way to go.

Not at all if you like apple phone then only buy it and if you like android too Iphone 5C is not as good as LG G2 or HTC ONE in same price range

At the end all matters is your purpose if you want to own a smartphone JUST FOR STATUS SYMBOL go with Iphone 5C and if you want the best smartphone experience TRY LG G2 it won't disappoint you

It has the same specs as the iPhone 5. However it has some color bodies etc. Which makes it look cool. Apple claimed to have made it cheaper but it isn't. I don't think it is worth buying unless you don't have the money to buy 5s

It is called the iPhone 5c for a reason… Cheap.
I'm not a fan of IOS after using android. I had two iPods, which i liked, but i prefer android hands down.
As for the iPhone 5s vs 5c, I would recommend spending the extra bucks and getting the 5s. THat being said if you can find the iphone 5 cheaper, buy that because it has an aluminum body and the same specs. If you are buying it for the colors, I personally think that is sorta crazy. They look funny to me, plus almost everyone buys a case, so color is virtually irrelevant.