What should I buy this Christmas?

What should I buy this Christmas? Canon DSLR 600D or iPhone 6s. You see, I earned money from my allowance since january to buy stuff I want for christmas. But the problem is I can't decide what to buy. I need the dslr camera because I want to start a youtube channel but I also need a new phone which is the iPhone 6 because my current phone (iPhone 4) is already outdated, it's very slow and it's screen is already broken.


I would go for the iPhone 6s. In the modern world, a functional smart phone is basically necessary.

The youtube channel can wait, it's not necessary and there's no guarantee that you will do really well subscriber-wise.

Also the iPhone 6s camera is also pretty good.

You can take good pictures and do other things with an iPhone, so I don't see why you need to get a DSLR unless you are a really pro photographer.

I phone 6s!


You can take good pictures with the i phone 6…
And you will get far more use from the phone…

Nothing beats a real camera. Phone cameras are decent, but not yet the same quality. Mind you, if you want to do a YouTube channel, the quality you can get on an iPhone 6S will be just fine. So go with that.

Personally, 6S. That's what i'm getting for Christmas. The camera on it is amazing and the phone is small easy to transport so you can take pictures everywhere anytime

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