When does iOS7 come out? (iPhone)?

There have seen that it comes out Sep. 10th but does anyone know the date? Or Sept. 18th? I'm not sure. Also is there a way to download it early without messing up your phone like jailbreak & stuff?

Its being released until 2014. There's very low demand and its extremely buggy. Apple won't release it like this and be embarrassed like Apple maps!

It won't be released to the public for quite a while, but you can install it now if you register your device's UDID with a developer account through a site like http://www.udid.in/.It's $5, and then you can try out the new OS before everyone else. That's how I got it on my 4S.

18th & no there's no way to do so. Jailbreaking is not involved when getting an iOS update.