Where can I find Bared To You by Sylvia Day?

I'm looking to find a free PDF of Bared to You (readable/downloadable to my iPhone/iBooks). I just finished reading the Fifty Shades trilogy and need a new read which will fill the void of Christian and Ana.
I would love to get a little taste of Bared to You before actually buying it and reading it in whole but can't seem to find a free PDF of it anywhere.
There are sites beyond sites filled with spam but none actually have it… By the way I was able to find the 1st book of the Fifty Shades trilogy as a PDF no problem (and then of course once I got hooked I went and purchased the actual ebooks).
If you guys could help me I would truly appreciate it… Thanks in advance:]

The book in question is still under copyright. Downloading it for free is illegal. If you want it for free, try your local library. Many loan ebooks.

You can purchase it at http://www.amazon.com/...00846REIS/ and also get a preview so you can read a bit of it and see what you think. The author also has a preview available on her website at http://www.sylviaday.com/books/bared-to-you/ or you can look at excerpts at http://books.google.com/books/about/Bared_to_You.html?id=RZs967cMIMoC