Which do you believe to be the BEST Final Fantasy title of the series: VI or VII?

I just stumbled on VI on the iPhone and bought it since many people hail it as the BEST Final Fantasy of the entire series. I always though VII was supposed to be the best, but I guess VI is a worthy competitor?

I've never played VII, thought I've really been wanting to. The only FF games I've played thus far is VIII, X-2, XIII, and XIII - 2. I own VIII, XIII, and XIII - 2, haven't beaten them haha. But I'm making my way!

Anyways, which do you think is the best based on plot and characters -- VI or VII. I just started VI and I'm liking it so far.

They're more than different enough so that there's no "best". It's all a matter of opinion. Even with the not super impressive story, I like V the best. I think the gameplay makes up for it. None of them are objectively better than the others though, there's really no room for objectivity here.

But of those two, I prefer VII. Might be nostalgia, I dunno, but I get more into that one whenever I play it.

Final Fantasy VII is the pinnacle of the Final Fantasy series. All games after it has tried to top it and failed. That being said Final Fantasy 6 is the only one that comes close on the basis of character, gameplay, and story. All three of these things can be seen in every Final Fantasy game but 6 revolutionized it and 7 perfected it. I really can't go into detail why since you have not played 6 and it would ruin plot points but I will say this. Final Fantasy 6 is the only game that comes to mind where the villian Kefka(and as far as Final Fantasy villians goes is the best. VII was the better game but VI had the best villian) actually succeeds in his desires. Truth is to take the sort of cop out, you can't go wrong with either of these games so Ill go by this. VII was argued after it came out as THE BEST GAME OF All TIME by critiics and fans alike. Not best Rpg best game. It has made more money for Square then any other title. It spawned two spin off games and made a successful movie.

I like the both of them final fantasy 6 has one of the best magic systems a decent story and plenty to do in the world of ruin. Final fantasy 7 has a great story the first final fantasy not to use sprites but fully rendered 3d characters and the epic relationship between cloud and sephiroth has alot there. So I prefer 7 over 6 but I think a remake of both games into new age graphics would be incredible. I know not a part of your question but I just had to say it. REMAKE THESE GAMES SQUARE-ENIX ALREADY YOUR FANS ARE TIRED OF WAITING!

FF7 is my favourite, but then again, I haven't played them all, I only played the ones I had (FF9 on PS1, FF10 on PS2, FF: Crisis Core for PSP then FF7 for PS3 and also FF13 but who counts that?) but i hold it as my favourite game of all time, I loved the gameplay, loved the characters, loved the music, loved the story. Everything.

I never really liked the intro to FF6 however, I'm pretty sure that's the one where you're in Mechs anyway? But it just didn't draw me in, I love FF games, but it's a pretty inconsistent series, you can never be sure if the game will be good or not which is probably why I haven't given FF6 a better shot.

It's a popular game, but the main fights I see is whether or not FF8 is better than 7. However I've never played 8 either, and don't like the look of that either, the only thing that makes me wanna play is the "Squall is dead theory", I just like the idea of the story working as that theory says.

I'm not the best person to answer, but this is my opinion, FF7 was perfect from start till end, FF6 just seemed boring in the beginning, so if it sucked in the beginning, it's already losing to a game I consider perfect all the way through.

Then again, which FF had a movie and a prequel? FF7!

P.S. The prequel was the Crisis Core game I mentioned I had for PSP and the movie is called Advent Children. The game had an amazing story, the gameplay wasn't that great, but it's the game which made me play FF7. Advent Children was just good for the fact, it's FF7 and hearing One Winged Angel without the audial limitations of the PS1.

P.S.S. I just remembered I also played FF4 on iOS but it wasn't that great either.

I think 4 is the best. From what I've seen, though, for mos people, the best FF is whichever one they played first.

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