Why am i obsessed with calories counting?

I'm 15 years old and 5 foot 3inchs
at the begging of the year i was nearly 8stone and i'm 7stone now
i have this app on my iPhone called my fitnesspal and i use it to count my calories and how much exercise i do everyday and using this i have lose weight, i always make sure i have burned twice the amount of that i eat or more so it's like i'm eating nothing because i burned it all off and i make sure i eat under 900 calories everyday.

Added (1). i'm self-conscience about my weight i feel like i need to lose weight

You might be self-conscience about your weight and exhibit this through counting calories.

Just read this once, and you will never be obsessed again:

Also, if you are obsessed with counting amount of water intake per day, read this, and you'll never be obsessed again:

Its part of your brain
an you feel like you need to stay on top of things
thats why
just do things in moderation

Seek professional help

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