Why am I obsessed with mango?

Lately I have been craving a LOT of mango! I'm obsessed with the taste like never before! I enjoy everything about mangos! I have a couple reason why i think i could be having this craving: I used to always take a energy/vitamin drink daily called greens plus, but I recently ran out of it and its too expensive to always buy so I took a break. Then came the craving. //OR// I recently got an IPhone and I used to have an iPod. My period cycle was always tracked on my iPod but it ran out of battery and I never take the time to charge it up again, I'm mostly just focused on my iPhone, and so I have no clue when my next period is going to come. I'm also very irregular (I'm a pre-professional dancer (very active. Maybe my period is coming? I don't know. What do you think I could be? Am i lacking something in my diet? Thankfully I ran out of the full mango fruit but we still have frozen mangos. I was eating about 2-3 mangos a day… Is this very unhealthy? Please help. I can also try to answer your questions if you lave a link! I'm open to everything!

Remember when you were a kid and you loved that one food that is now gross or you don't care to eat anymore? For me it's clam chowder; used to eat it all the time and now I hate it.

As we get older, we change. Even our tastebuds and preferences for food. Right now, your tastebuds are loving the mango flavor. Which is good! It's always good to crave fruit. Who knows? In 10 years you might hate mango! I doubt you will though, cause mango is awesome.

Obsessed is very harmful for health. So be careful about it.

I didn't read all that stuff you typed, but I love mango

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