Why are people so obsessed with apple?

I do not have an iphone, but one day I took my phone out and my friend was like "Which iphone is that?". When I told her it was not an iphone but another smartphone brand she was like "Well is it a smartphone?", and she looks at it and is like "Does it have apps?". LOL. She assumes that because it is not apple, it must not have apps?

Why do people assume that apple makes everything and that everything apple does is perfect?

Another person I know says she likes iphones the best, even though she has never once used another brand. She was like "Yeah I know, but apple is just… Better"

Every wealthy person I know (whether in my family or celebrities) all use iphones, even though driods are much more advanced.

Same with computers as well, people are obsessed with macs even though they are very overpriced.

Added (1). In addition the technology news media is VERY biased towards apple. Every review always gets a perfect score and rave reviews.

Added (2). People look down on other brands that are not apple. People make it seem like if you do not have apple, you must be poor.

Apple's marketing strategy has always been to create an almost cult like following. They emphasize style over all else and therefore appeal to the style crowd, It's almost like designer clothes. Many (not all) of the Apple faithful just choose the brand and are oblivious to other options.

My mother-in-law got her first smartphone. It's an iPhone that was given to her by my wife's style conscious sister. She had mom convinced that iPhones were the most popular phones out there. She was shocked when I showed her that Android has close to 80% of the market share. Here's the latest report: http://www.idc.com/prodserv/smartphone-os-market-share.jsp

I hate apple it is just so overpriced and useless i love samsung got lovely range of products and plus iphones are so boring they have got nothing special and whereas android have a better apps and to all those who think having not iphone means you're por then listen samsung also have more expensive range of products and variety of products

Apple is the best company out there today, they build both the hardware and software, so everything is integrated together better then any other phone and you don't have lag issues.

There also isn't any virus issues with it because the security is so much better. No issues with keyloggers or anything like that, other phones all need to run virus detectors, thats like windows malware all over again.

Android is mostly popular in the cheaper countries like china, korea, etc, thats where the bulk of their customers are. Android isn't a phone, its just an OS, so you have chinese companies putting it on their phones etc.

Apple devices are better. Its not just a matter of looking at their on paper specs. Hardware design for years was better than Android (smartphones), Windows (computers) & something they had all this time & still have the lead in regards to, optimisation since they make both the hardware & software.

So you can't say they are overpriced because of those facts.

& just because your friend was unaware about other smartphone brands doesn't mean much. Just that Apple was 1st to mind since they pretty much made the modern smartphone.

I have been using Apple products for years, but never had an iPhone. I have had smartphones with Verizon, switched to a prepaid service, which I had for 3 years. It was OK service, but the phones lacked in both functionality and storage. Every time I tried to download an app from the Google app store, there never seemed to be enough storage available even though I had an SD card in the phone. And sometimes the service would cut in and out. A couple months ago my husband and I were in the Apple Store because I was looking for a case for my iPod Touch. My husband insisted it was time for an iPhone (even though he doesn't even have a cell phone himself, he's disabled, retired and really doesn't need one). I looked at the iPhone 6, ended up buying it and switching back to Verizon. The difference is like night and day. And the fact that all my Apple devices are now linked (MacBook Pro, iPad Air, iPod Touch and iPhone) I can access anything from any device. My previous pre-paid smart phone is now an overpriced calculator I use to balance my checkbook, LOL. It still connects to the internet through Wi-Fi, but the browser is awful so I just keep it in my desk drawer to use as a calculator.

I'm not obsessed with Apple, I'm #teamandroid and #teamNOTE4!

ITs the best!

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