Why are people unable to control their money?

I don't get why my friends and southern cousins are poor. Every time I go to their houses, they have game systems. My friend says, "We're too poor for cheese," but she gets a brand new iphone.
Then, there are my middle class friends. They wonder why their parents won't take them to Europe when they drive a mommy-bought car and have ipads and iphones. Honestly, Europe is not that expensive if you know where to visit and stay in a 2-3 star hotel. Why don't people know how to manage money?

You might as well have fun with it while you can, you might as well spend it up. You can't take money with you when you die.

Maybe you're just a lot smarter.

You seem to have no idea what poor is. When I was a kid we were so poor burglars left us stuff

Poor souls haven't ever had A ROLE MODEL.

Read "Rich Dad - Poor Dad" for the best answer.

Basically people see "money" in different ways.

Some people see money as a means to acquire things. They spend it as soon as possible.

Other people see money as a means of investing or building a business. In this case, money is used to acquire more money (even if only through interest on a savings account).

You can easily tell what kind of person someone is when you enter their home. If nearly every surface is filled with nicknacks that were just too cheap to pass up, they are spenders.