Why do I always wake up one minute before my alarm?

It's crazy. Every time I set my alarm I wake up literally just one minute before it goes off. I sit there in bed and wait for it every time. I don't want to hear some crap about my alarm making a "click" before it goes off. Cause I set my alarm on my iphone. Why does this happen? Am I a wizard? Lol.

No, you are not a wizard… But you do have a bit of a talent, to be very "In touch with your inner clock ". I can do the same thing, in the morning, and during the day, I can usually tell the time down to about three minutes of the actual time, WITH OUT looking at a clock, or watch. It is a "time sense ' thingy. Having a built in sense of time is handy, but it can also be a curse, when you are trying to fall asleep.grrrr.

Jim B

Sounds like your brain has been programmed to do that.