Why do I think no one has the iphone 5s?

So i got the iphone 5s, but no one has it in my high shcool. I'm afriad it will get stolen, what can i do?

Simple. Don't take it to school.

A) Don't bring it to school
B) Keep it in your locker because you shouldn't be texting or on facebook in class anyway
C) Keep it in a secure place on your person where you would know if someone was trying to take it (not a purse or loose jacket pocket and definitely not on a desk) unless you think you're going to encounter an armed mugging at your school

Keep it in your pocket always and don't let others hold it (they will drop it), flip the mute switch and just keep it in pocket

Don't tell people that you have the iPhone 5s yet. First you have to tell the person what kind of phone they have, if they say that they have the same phone as u then you can tell them. Some people would steal your iPhone so don't let it out of your sight. That means don't put it in your locker, bag, etc.always put it in your pocket