Why do some of my songs have a cloud beside them?

I just got a new iphone and some of my songs have a cloud some don't but they all play and it says my music is using 1gb but it should be using like 8gb.

Added (1). But i have 64gb

They must be on your iCloud while others are not.

Some are stored on the device, others in 'the cloud'. Your device apparently has cloud storage, and you apparently have saved songs in both places.

I do not not know. I just need to answer a question. I do not like apple products. I do not like I phones. Android devices are better because then money does not go to apple. I hate starbucks also. I know nobody cares but I don't care that nobody cares because I care

Check storage

Dear, who ever this may concern! Can anyone tell me what the red cloud And arrow means next some to my songs?! I have seen many people asking almost the same questions! AND! Why do I have songs, that I never wanted or purchased, and not allowed to delete them?! I do hope that someone will answer my questions.