Why does my chin look huge in iPhone pictures?

I'm 15, and in the mirror, it looks normal sized/small, but in the iPhone, it looks HUGE, pointy, and manly. Looking at it makes me feel depressed and like I just want to give up.
I have body dysmorphic disorder already and hate every aspect of my appearance, but this is one of my biggest insecurities because it can keep getting bigger and bigger. I know some girls may be able to accept it, but the thought of looking manly or having too much testosterone is repulsive to me. I don't know why. I just want to look feminine and cute…

Which one is more accurate?

The iPhone is terrible all around. It uses a wide lens camera which is notorious for widening facial features including CHINS, eyes, noses, and faces in general. Taking pics or recordings up close are good for distorting features, and this is also the same with mirrors. It's best to stay six-seven feet before taking an iPhone picture (I recommend avoiding iPhone pictures altogether though). Also, school pictures are the same way so if you feel like they make you look odd, you're probably right. Only REAL photographers can make you look right. That's why family portraits always look good and accurate!

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