Why is America obsessed with Apple products?

We really are!

Most people think they'll die if something happens to their Ipod/Ipad/Iphone or apple computer

It's not as if other pies aren't available.

Because they're great.

I frequently hear apple users disenchanted by their apples.
The apple users of the McIntosh and airmacs are not like that, they are more satisfied.

Some people know no value do they

They are new and higher tech.
But we're not all obsessed with them. Just those under 30.

  • Why are the Chinese so obsessed with the color gold? Seriously. I read somewhere that the new gold IPhone has broken sales records for Apple with this new color in China. I really think it's a tacky color. (IMHO) Here in the US I would never consider a gold colored ANYTHING! My favorite color here is black. Elegant, timeless, (what I think) gold colored makes me think of abstemious and noveau riche' people with more money than taste. What say you?
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  • Why am I so obsessed with bright colors? Not necessarily in the form of clothing or furniture. But I'm obsessed with them on TV and iPhone screens. Like in the form of movies, music videos, and art