Why is Apple acting arrogant in wanting to know how the FBI hacked its iPhone?

Why is Apple acting arrogant in wanting to know how the FBI hacked its iPhone? - 1

Added (1). The Israelis will find another way to hack the iPhone once some flunky spills his/her guts on how it was done. Apple is the most arrogant company on Earth.

The FBI's action could undermine the reputation of Apple, especially as the smug elitist firm refused to help the FBI.

Why do you think this is "acting arrogant?"

The only real arrogance is Apple's refusal to pay people who figured out how to hack their phones for the work they do, something which is common with many tech firms.

Apples ethos is part of the 'freedom' genre so they don't want to lose that.

My guess is that they DID crack it for the FBI and are now kicking off to protect their reputation…

The US government is currently the biggest bunch of liars in the world, and this administration has proven it repeatedly. The last thing I trust is them having back doors into phones.