Why is Apple turning in such a cult?

I swear I can't go anywhere with out seeing an iphone or ipad I don't get it. It keeps you sheltered from the real world.

I honestly don't know how to respond to this. Is there a point here?

Apple/Macintosh was a cult 20+ years before the ipad, iphone, or ipod ever existed.

Why? Apple has very tight controls on their software products so there aren't 100 different manufacturers using iOS. They fooled around years ago with 3rd party manufacturers that used Mac OS. It didn't work well for the company. By controlling this they have only high quality products compared with Google or Microsoft where the product quality varies widely with manufacturer.

People here are turning away from Apple products, having realised that they (Apple products) no longer play well with other brands.

For example, my sister and her kids had Apple everything, but they are now sold on Samsung as Samsung is more compatible with other brands.

I have a generic mp3 player, but it is compatible with everything else I have. I wouldn't even try to plug it in to an Apple computer.

Great tech gadgets, really good design and hardware.

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