Why won't Facebook and Twitter load on my laptop or iPhone today?

I woke up this morning and the Facebook app on my iPhone wasn't loading new posts or messages so I went to my laptop and tried to log onto Facebook but couldn't load the page. I tried two other browsers and still no luck. Then I tried twitter and the same thing is true, it won't load on my laptop or the iPhone app.

I, of course, checked with http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ and both websites are up.

I restarted my wireless router, no change. I have had no issues with any other sites I've tried.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this and/or how to fix it?

Added (1). Well at least I don't seem to be the only one.

Added (2). I have noticed the same issue with a few other random sites. Mostly smaller sites though.

Added (3). My ISP is Time Warner Cable

Added (4). So it looks like it was an issue with Time Warner Cable. Everything is working now for me.

Probably your internet connection went off

I'm having the same problem. Can't access Twitter or Facebook, on my iPad or laptop.

It must be something relating to the Wi-Fi -- when I turned off the Wi-Fi connection on my iPhone, and just used 3G, I was able to use both of the apps.

(I also have Time Warner Cable. Possible it's an outage/issue on their end?)

Having the same issue with several random sites (Facebook / nps.gov / espn).It started this morning and I have reset my cable box and router. Everything else seems to be working…

Edit: Just ran a DNS test and it seems like my ISPs DNS service isn't working properly. You could try overriding that and use a free service such as OpenDNS or wait until the ISP fixes their service.

Edit 2: Confirming that my ISP is Time Warner. Seems like that is a common denominator.

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