Will kids always be addicted to the internet, instragram, snapchat, iphones, etc forever?

Or will they eventually get bored of it or something new comes

They will get bored eventually. Something stupid will be just like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter will be new and then they will be addicted to that. It brainwashes you. It's really stupid.

Oh yeah, they'll get bored, most kids my age (late teens) I've noticed lately have been using social media less and less. What are they doing instead? No idea honestly, but let me tell you, it doesn't matter in the end, if they are addicted to the Internet or social media, if they like it, why not let them have it?

Well kids in Africa play in the dirt with sticks and just do a lot of outdoor activities for fun. They aren't addicted to that stuff you mention.

Well… Think about myspace it WAS popular eveyone used it. Then came skype, then facetime, and google hangouts. They WILL GET BORED of the current social media until somthing new comes out… Then theyll forgett about it.

Eventually they'll get over it. I got over it. It depends on their parents.

Your on the internet… And its not just kids

Not just kids.

They will get over it.

Something new will come:-)

Not at all! Newer things will come with the passage of time and they will forget the old ones!

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