Will my singing voice sound better recorded on a professional mic in a studio? - 1

& does it get edited?
All I have to record me singing is my iPhone & I think I sound awful over that & it makes me sad & say horrible things that I suck
I take singing & been singing sense I was like 3 & I've heard my self over a mic before & I thought it wasn't that bad as it is on my phone but I still don't remember
I wanna record some covers of my fave songs but how much would it cost to do just one & some say it depends what you do to the song & don't most charge by the hour or whatever I'm so confused

It's not the gear, it's the pro's knowledge and experience that will make you sound better. Gear helps, but their just tools. And all mics are different and some are better for certain types of voices than others. Mic preamps, room acoustics, mic, reverb, de-essers, compressors, vocal software, etc, and the recording / mixing / master engineers knowledge and expertise is what you're paying for.

It will sound better. However, it still might not be what you're hoping to achieve.

You might be better served buying an audio interface and a mic (within your budget) and learn how to record yourself. If interested I could try to set you in a good direction or you could check out my favorite pro audio forum @ gearslutz.com or tapeop.com

Anyways. Prices at studios vary. Depends on their gear, knowledge, location, ego. Shop around and read reviews if possible.