Will women find me more attractive if i show them i have an iphone 5?

Will women find me more attractive if i show them i have an iphone 5?

Your iPhone 5 won't be able to change your physical appearance and personality. I have an iPhone 5 and am still the same person as I was 2 years ago. It didn't make me more or less attractive.

Yah scientific papers in top peer-reviewed journals have pr0ven dis gud luck

LOL it's just a phone.show me a Maserati and then we can talk.

It wouldn't make any difference to me & I'm a woman.

Yes, you will most likely become famous because of it.
i wish i could get one, all the woman would want me.

Only if you arent hideously ugly with no redeemable qualities

Hell nah

They surely will.

If that was the case I would go the bar and wave it around.